Saturday, December 24, 2005

My idea of a paperless office - was not impossible - I found out

My idea of a paperless office - was not impossible - I found out
I had my own small ($300k) CPA practice in Dallas, TX for close to 8 years before I sold it in March 2005. I had been thinking about converting into a paperless practice for a long time but could not do so because of some major issues in convincing my senior staff members. Finally, in the last quarter of 2003, I got the opportunity to take charge of the situation and did so.My idea of a paperless office was that I would have every single document related to client work in electronic format on my server and I would be able to see it from anywhere in the world. Accessing from anywhere in the world was not a problem because I already had a T1 line in my office and had a static IP for my server. If you are not familiar with that we can discuss that more in this forum. In any case, I was able to access my server from anywhere in the world where I had internet access. So, my only next step was how to have everything that I need to see in my office be available on the server. So, if I was working on a client matter, I would have to see some old documents from the file and for that either I would have to carry the papers with me or come to office to work on it. What if I could see those documents online wherever I was then there was no need for me to do either.So, I studied a lot about the various possibilities and then developed my own plan on how to implement it. I decided my own way rather than using any ready made solution. I discovered that a paperless office is actually achieveable and it is highly efficient. For the eight years I had been in practice, I had always loved to go to work and looked forward to it, but the last 16 months were the best of them. I was able to work wherever I wanted to, the office was extremely organized, no papers floating around and extremely efficient response to the clients. It was an amazing experience to be working in a paperless office. I actually experienced how it feels to not have any lost papers, and to be able to look up a document you need within seconds rather than take 5-10 minutes to go look for it.I am now helping out other CPAs with this process. This is an open forum - for all kinds of thoughts - for and against - on a paperless CPA practice. Go ahead and share your ideas and thoughts about a paperless office.

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